An introduction to the engineering of Dutch is going to be brief. All I would like the reader to know is that this PDF was written for a particular type of student. A type which represents a curious mind stuck with an impatient personality. To this type of student I would like to say that you should spend a bit of time analysing the language that you wish to learn well enough, so that you can absorb many words and fit them all within the engineered structure. In a little while, you'll be engineering your thoughts in Dutch as well.
Firstly, you will gain a bit of understanding of how Dutch words must sound and look like. However, most of the time within this PDF will be spent on grammar and not on spelling. Every state of the world and experience that you have, must be uttered by using the upon agreed rules that we have, which are that of grammar. Every word has a defined grammatical function and I shall remind you of them, in case you have forgotten them. You will quickly come to realise how easy it is to construct sentences in Dutch when we can produce a decent amount of words. For this PDF to be compact, I have provided some commonly used words within the examples and the exercises, although it is obviously not enough. After the structure of the language has become clear enough for you, you should spend the rest of your time learning new words and making sure that you'll remember them when you need them.
Lastly, I would like to acknowledge all my students whom I have had the pleasure to teach. I thank each and every one of you, especially those of you who have kept asking me questions during the late evenings, while my stomach was growling. Your questions were the main input for this PDF and I would not have come to the same conclusion regarding learning Dutch, if it would have not been for you.
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